Thursday, June 25, 2009

Marriage is SO overrated ; Can we just go together forever?

Could you honestly sit up here and tell me that you can wake up EVERYDAY to the same person?

think about it ...

REALLY think about it..

you think that this person is the person you wanna spend you're life with.
The person you want to take care of through sickness,death,wealth whatever.

personally its all BULLSHIT!

People steady callin these females/guys wifey/hubby and that they're the best they've ever had and you can't see yourself without them in their life.*side-eye

No boo boo he/ shes the best you've ever had right now.You can't see your self without him/her RIGHT NOW. Believe me shit gon' change 2-10 years down the line.

You're gonna find a new wifey/

Its always gonna be someone finer.someone sweeter.someone 10x's better than the female/male you're with now.

And its up to you to decide if you have the willpower to stick it through with that person.

I'm sick of seeing people getting married and then 4 years later after 2 kids get a divorce because of unreconciled differences in the relationship.Crap !

Negroe if you put a ring on my finger we together forever.
If there's something wrong you come to me about it.
If you cheated let me know ; so i can get even lol.
If you wanna spice up the sex let me know we can do that shit together.
If we get into and argument lets fight and get what the fuck is wrong off our chests ;
but never get a divorce..that shit is too messy for my taste. Especially if children are involved. I'm a product of divorced personally i wasn't scarred by it at an young age but it did bother me in my tweenie years.Now that i live with him i clearly see why they got a divorce.from both sides of the party my dads a selfish man who has a taste for young 20 year old women and a gambling problem and my mother is a intimidating control freak with a streak of crazy[no im not ashamed to say it]

Personally i'm going the ole' classic black southern route and just go together with someone forever lol..imma have a man with whom i have kids by and when im 50 and all the kids are grown and gone to college i'll think it'll finally be time for us to settle down..i know you aint goin no where at 50 lol.

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